************************************************************************************** Title : TFC killbox 1.0 beta Date : June 30, 2003 Filename : killbox_tfc.bsp Author : Kashap Michael (BaIIIa CMepTb) Email Address : kashap_yo@web.de Home Page : http://www.rita-kashap.de/sis/index.htm (russian) Description : Remake of Killbox, exact, different textures only.. Additional Credits to : 1. Everybody4all (www.everybody4all.de) and all of it's staff, for keeping up the kick ass game servers for so long! 2. Valve software for making this kick-ass game. 3. Anyone that has put up with all my bullshit lately. 4.-=OJO=- For pressuring me to do this! ************************************************************************************** * Play Information * Single Player : No Deathmatch : No Team Fortress : YES Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : .map generated by ripping it outta the .bsp Editor(s) used : Valve Hammer editor v3.4 Known Bugs : None. Build Time : 4639.56 seconds [1h 17m 19s] Compile machine : P667; 192 megs of RAM QBSP Time : 0.71 seconds QVIS Time : 0.06 seconds QRAD Time (extra) : 4639.56 seconds ************************************************************************************** E-mail me your thoughts on my level. Whats good, whats bad etc. I love feedback, it keeps me going!