Laughing Cat - Capture/Hold The Flag ------------------------------- by Jeff "[U$A]Alt-Key" Nagro ( Objective: Enter the enemy base and make your way to the flag room in the back. Grab it and choose where you want to go with it. You can either bring it back to your capture point and place it on the enemy logo, or you can take it into the enemy's Control Center and hold onto it there as long as you possibly can to win even more points for your team. Scoring: 10 points per Capture, and 1 point for every 2 seconds the enemy's Control Center is held. Capture Points: The capture point is NOT the same as the flag stand. Your capture point is located in the room across from the flag room entrance, and is accessible by an elevator. Jump Pads: You need to be standing on the pad before you jump, otherwise it will not work correctly. Other Notes: Flag carriers drop the Flag when they die. Dropped flags return to their Base after 5 seconds, which should be more than enough time to. pass the flag to another player in the case that you need to. It is also short enough that, in case anyone tries to be "funny" and drops the flag into the pit, it won't back things up much. Hints: You'll need defense and teamwork to win.