Nexus 3: Night Violet Invade / Escort By: [WTF?]Chemical Burn Your Orders: Western Army (Blue): Defend the research facility against alien attack and help the physicists in any way you can. Eastern Army (Red): Escort the physicists to the teleporter located in the basement of the research facility. Nexus Army (Yellow): Attack the research facility and steal their data. To do so, use the computers in the teleporter room of the research facility. Be warned, the hallways leading to the teleporter room are guarded by two security lasers. Detpack a generator to disable the co-responding laser. Physicists (Green): Enter the teleporter located in the basement of the research facility to begin the invasion of the Nexus dimension. Scoring: Humans (Blue, Red, Green): 3 Points -- Repairing a generator 25 Points -- A physicist uses teleporter Nexus Army (Yellow): 5 points -- Disabling a generator 2 points -- Every 10 seconds data is being stolen Other Notes: A West Army engineer can repair a generator by carrying the laptop located in the foyer of the research facility to the computer of the disabled generator. Only physicists may use the teleporter ---------------------------- S T O R Y L I N E ---------------------------- CHAPTER THREE - Night Violet ---------------------------- As the battle of St. Louis draws to a close, the Nexus aliens come out the victors, now declaring St. Louis as the first Nexus territory on Earth. The human East and West empires have now allied to fight the alien invasion. Their first effort to battle the aliens is the conglomeration of all vexdronium research at a facility in Nevada. The first man-made controlled vexdronium energy cascade takes place October 8th, 2058. October 9th, 2058: fourteen members of the vexdronium science team are killed when a shape-shifting alien took the form of a scientist and infiltrated the Nevada facility. The alien is killed before it can destroy the research. October 10th, 2058: humans see the sun for what may be the last time as a massive welkin vexdronium cascade is detonated by the Nexus aliens in St. Louis. The once clear blue sky turns a purple tone due to excessive amounts of vexdronium oxide gas in the atmosphere. Shifts between the Nexus and Earth are now much easier. With the entire vexdronium science team dead the East and West armies divide responsibilities. Their plan is to have the East army escort more physicists to the base while the West army defends the base against alien attack. A convoy of three trucks carrying East empire troops and physicists is on route to the Nevada base. A mile away from the base the convey is intercepted by three pyric aliens. The team escapes their trucks before they explode. The aliens are stopped with the humans only suffering minimal casualties. With the area now infested with aliens, the small team of infantry and physicists must proceed on foot to the base. The fate of mankind resting on their shoulders. ----------------------------------- By: Dave Vanderburg [WTF?]Chemical Burn