8th, December 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title : Pipeworld (Practice??) 2001 Filename : Pipeworld2001.zip Author : Edward 'Jobabob' Steele Email Address : jobabob@hotmail.com Homepage : http://www.rsteele.btinternet.co.uk Description : (Team Fortress SKILLZ map) I prefer just pipeworld * Play Information * Single Player : To run through only Teamfortress : Yes!! Number of Teams : 1 Recommended # of Players : Loads still work fine * Construction * Based on : TOTALLY from scratch, well ok I used some geometric shapes Editor used : Worldcraft v. 3.3 Known Bugs : Could be a bit laggy because its fucking HUGE Build Time : since i finished cube really so months (at least 7 on and off) Compile machine : Piii with 128 megs RAM QCSG Time : 400.68 seconds elapsed [6m 40s] QBSP Time : 66.41 seconds elapsed [1m 6s] QVIS Time (full) : 1165.85 seconds elapsed [19m 25s] QRAD Time : 1351.53 seconds elapsed [22m 30s] TOTAL TIME : 2984.47 seconds elapsed [49m 44s] * Custom stuff * Textures : pipeworld.wad pipeworld2.wad (both compiled in) : new skymap, made by myself using terragen Sounds : LOADS of custom sounds, too many to list Models : New backpack skin Sprites : The sun sprite also used in the_valley_2, so you might already have it ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALL INFORMATION: Unpack the zip file into your halflife/tfc/ directory. Example : c:/games/halflife/tfc/ Just right click and hold the zip and drag over the tfc directory, then select 'extract to .....tfc/' If your stuck, or winzip is cocked for you, heres the manual way: *:\HALFLIFE | +--- TFC | | | +-- pipeworld2001.cfg (allows usage of flashlight if put in this dir on a server) | | | +-- GFX | | | | | +-- ENV | | | | | +-- pipeworldbk.tga | | +-- pipeworldup.tga | | +-- pipeworlddn.tga | | +-- pipeworldlf.tga | | +-- pipeworldrt.tga | | +-- pipeworldft.tga | | | +-- MAPS | | | | | +-- pipeworld2001.bsp | | +-- pipeworld2001.txt | | +-- pipeworld2001_INFO.txt | | +-- pipeworld2001.res | | | +-- MODELS | | | | | +-- pipepack.mdl | | | +-- SOUND | | | | | +-- PIPEWORLD | | | | | +-- bell.wav | | +-- bell15mins.wav | | +-- bell30mins.wav | | +-- bigwaterfall.wav | | +-- bell.wav | | +-- bell.wav | | +-- bigwaterfall.wav | | +-- boatnoise.wav | | +-- boatnoise2.wav | | +-- breathing.wav | | +-- runningwater.wav | | +-- superbeast.wav | | +-- ticking.wav | | +-- wakeup.wav | | +-- wallcreak.wav | | +-- wallfall.wav | | +-- water.wav | | +-- waves.wav | +-- SPRITES | | | | | +-- sun.spr + * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAY INFORMATION: Read pipeworld2001.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Its just one large level Theres no pr0n (sorry) Its HUGE I had to make sacrifices because of its size, so don't quiz me too much =) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL CREDITS TO: -Everyone who distributed the map -Everyone who tested the map -Merkaba for being alive -Spliff for the server and being a ho tester =) -Timo, darthdivi (even though he didnt actually help this time lol), Bagpuss (aka Merkaba), blah blah blah blah blah ricey xecuter psyclones you get the idea -ROSS, my housemate for getting me into rock music, and you'll see what it produced! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: Pipeworld2001 is copyright 2001 Jobabob. (not that youd steal it!) Authors may NOT use this map as a base to build additional maps unless they inform me pleaase!. oh and if you want to know how i made it just email me @ jobabob@hotmail.com and i might tell you if im kind oh and btw: IF YOU WANT TO USE THIS MAP ON YOUR SERVER, PLEASE ASK/TELL ME! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------