Welcome! When you unzipped this file, it created a folder called "textfiles" in the directory you unzipped it in (hopefully your TFC maps directory). The real text file for Quad God Lite is in that folder. I suggest putting all your textfiles in the folder. Also, make sure you leave the qglite.txt file in the MAPS directory. This is what displays the instructions when you start the map. It must be in the maps directory. If you didn't unzip this in your TFC/maps directory, just find the TEXTFILES folder, qglite.bsp and qglite.txt and put them in your TFC/maps directory. You can delete this file when you're through, however, keep it if you might give this map to others. All included files must be distributed with the map. Thankyou and enjoy. Also, in testing a 2 or 3 people out of 16 or so reported a strange error upon starting the map. It crashed Half-Life once, but when the restarted the game and rejoined it never happened again. I experienced the same error during a different map during the same test session, so it was probably the server... By the way, LINUX server operators, make sure you check the contents of the LINUX folder. Everyone else can delete it. Rize Rize@gamedesign.net zrizez@hotmail.com (same mail box)