28th Sept 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Title : Runpres Filename : runpres.map Author : Overlord Email Address : Richard@expo-net.demon.co.uk Page: none Description : Hunted Map, continuing from the original... Get to the jet to escape. The escape route is through the hanger. The assasins have spies, watch out! I find that the pyro soon flushes them out though. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Construction Base : From scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Build Time : 2-3 weeks Textures used : halflife.wad et al bugs: Let me know Thanks to Slasher for the APC Shadowbyte for the F16 Navyfighter for general help and advice, and others on the tfc map forum. Rik, Mikey, Keith, Paul, Dave, Neil, Gary, Rob, Pete and many others for helping me playtest this bugger. Copyright / Permissions This .map file may be distributed free of charge to anyone, and cannot be used on any commercial CD or Disk without my permission. I ask that you credit me in the txt of any map you use it in, and contact me about it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- © Copyright 1999 Overlord ;-)