Scorch2 by Peregrine Reverse CTF Map, take the flag from your respawn and capture it in the enemy team's main room. Originally, this map was to be a map that looked similiar to torch2. I like torch2 a lot, but I felt the respawns were just too close to the capture point. I made this map with that in mind, that's why its named scorch2. However, it became its own map in itself. It's really nothing like torch2, except the reverse CTF aspect. Notes: Dropped flags hang around for 60 seconds before returning. Remember that there are two shoops on both sides of the base (the square thing with the fan in it) You'll need to jump and it will launch you into the upper level. You spawn fully loaded [except for grenades]. Medics and Scouts get concs on entry to respawn area. Fully restocked on cap. [To annoy defenders!] R-speeds do get a little high here and there, but generally they are acceptable. Especially nowadays, I think everybody can run TFC relatively well. Look for easter eggs! -Peregrine