**** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod **** Release Date: May 10, 1999 ================================================================ Title : Two Forts: SinTheTiK 3.5 Filename : skf35.bsp Author : Gene Jones (SK-Imaginos) Original Map Design : John Cook Email Addresses : imaginos@tyler.net (Imaginos) URLs : http://www.teamfortress.com/ (TeamFortress Software's Website) Description : TeamFortress Classic Capture the Flag style map Additional Credits to : -id for making Quake/Q2 -Valve for making Half-Life -TFS for TF and TFC -Ben Morris et al for WorldCraft -The TF Community for keeping this game alive Dedications : -This map is dedicated to Clan SinTheTiK, Clan LOL, and all the people who preferred sk_fort2 to 2fort5 :) ================================================================ * Play Information * This map does not work properly without the TeamFortress Classic which comes with Half-Life http://www.planethalflife.com/ http://www.planetfortress.com/ TeamFortress Classic : Yes, up to 32 players supported Single Player : Nothing to kill, no guns Cooperative : No Deathmatch (2-16) : TFC only Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Models : No New Textures : Just converted from the original sk_fort2 bsp New Music : No Demos Replaced : None AutoTeam : Allowed, not forced Hook : No * Construction * Base : sk_fort2.bsp (Two Forts: SinTheTiK v2.1) Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 2.1 Known Bugs : None. If you see any, please let me know. If you are somewhere in the map and it's dark, that is NOT a bug, I made it dark for a reason. This map is just a remake of sk_fort2.bsp with a number of geometry changes. Build Time : About 2 weeks * Other Info * Description: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Version 3.5+: Well, here's the newly redesigned 2fortSK for TFC. I (realistik) had just wanted Imaginos to do a direct port of the 2.1 map, but he went around playing with stuff and the map has ended up a good bit different than it was. I still prefer this to the 2fort.bsp that ships with TFC, but if anyone else will... well...probably not hehe, didn't work vs. 2fort5. I'm releasing this map with Imaginos' permission, as well as the sources for it. He's currently in the hospital and can't do it himself. Hope you guys enjoy the map. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Version 2.1+: I'm SOOOO sorry to have to be releasing this AGAIN, but a couple of things sorta came up. First of all, I found out the other day that Imaginos had put a secret in the map without consulting me. Just so you know, in version 2.0, there was a shootable door when you came out of the water that hid a megahealth and a red armor. The door only opened for friendly scouts. Second, there were a few textures that we found we didn't like much, and we decided that since there needed to be a rerelease anyway, we'd fix 'em. Also, I remembered that some people didn't like the time/frag limits being set by the map, so I took 'em out. Serverops are now required to set time and frag limits for this map. (Or just let it run 24/7 with no end...don't matter to me...hehe) Third, the "sandwich" rooms (the ones above the basement ceilings) now have, in addition to the red armor and rockets, a 25 health box. This was requested by Mushi-[LOL], and I'm sure he meant more than 25, but that's all I'm givin' today. :) Mushi is one of the most inventive players I've seen, so I thought if nothing else, I could stick a box there to say "thanks!". Thanks, Mushi :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Version 2.0+: Okay, here's the new version. It will take a bit of getting used to, but the gameplay on this map is great! Have a good time and enjoy the map. This is the final update to this map that will be made. (Unless, of course, some really NASTY bug showed up somewhere.) How to use this map: Unpack sk_forts.bsp to your quake\fortress\maps directory. Unpack gren1.bsp in your quake\fortress\progs directory. If you want to run it on a LAN server or just take a peek at it, load quake with -game fortress and type MAP sk_forts in the console to load it. If you want to play on a QW server running this map, copy the sk_forts.bsp file into your quake\fortress\maps directory and copy gren1.bsp into your quake\fortress\progs directory. * WHERE TO GET THIS MAP * Umm...you already have it, don't you? ftp.cdrom.com/pub/quake/levels/teamfortress http://www.tyler.net/imaginos/sk_forts.zip http://maggie.runt.net/users/SKreal/sk_forts.zip Among other places... * COPYRIGHT NOTICES and PERMISSIONS * Donate to TeamFortress Software: http://www.teamfortress.com/register.html Don't charge anybody for this map in any way. Feel free to link this file for download on your website or FTP site, run it on any public (or private) Quake or QuakeWorld server. If you run this map on a public (especially QW) server, please email me and let me know, I'd like to come play it. :) You may NOT put this level on any commercial CD or diskette set without my EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION. If I find out you've done it, I'll come hunt you down and do very evil things to parts of your body you may have up until then thought safe from harm.