SnipeOrama_r -=:]) Made by [NSA]Slim Shady E-Mail: Clan Site: Based on the Map made by Zed_Leppelin aka [DoG]_Cerberus_(Snipers Loft) an OLD SKooL Map, taken off the NET coz it was Crossable, boO hoO :( This Is A Pure Sniper Competition Map... KiLL LoTs 'n' E N J O Y iT! * Map HaS BeeN Totally Rebuilt - With NeW LooK & NO CROSSING!!! Watch OuT - If U Camp oN tHe Lights oN Outer Walls... tHeN BAABOOOM! Tested by : SliM & The_PHANTOM -=*=- Released on : 29/07/02 Created with WorldCraft3.3 (C) 2002 Shady Productions Ltd. All Rights Reserved. LINKS: "For All Your Gaming Needs!" :) "Handy Vandals Almanac" Resources for Game Designers