========================= Sniper Conflict V1.2 ========================= ---General Information--- Title : Sniperz Filename : Sniperz.bsp Author : Eric Quesnel (A.K.A) LiquidGamerX Other lvls by author : Wonder Email address : liquidgamerx@hotmail.com Home page : http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/hacker/1085/ Additional Credits to : Corrvetted, JadedGamerX, Jon Rogers dbr99@atl.mediaone.net ---Play Information------ Map Description : Welcome to Sniper heaven... Head shots do hurt Map Objective : Have more kills then anyone in the world! Scoring Information : 1 kill 1 point its as easy as that! Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players: 6 to 16 ---Map Information------- New Textures : nahhh....maybe later New Sounds : nope ---Construction---------- Base : none started this baby from scratch Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 2.1 (way the hell more stable then 2.0) Compile Machine : Pentium II MMX at 400 Mhz Compile time : Lets see in all this map took 40 mins to compile...most of it was Vis : The lights took awhile too...but most of it was Vis.. ---Additional Info------- This map was inspired by other sniper war map like the first one...its just I didn't like how blunt those were..they lacked creativity....so now its time for me to fill those gaps that those other sniper war maps left behind...although sniper ball was quite original and it was pretty fun....I just like realisticness...be sure to test this map out first otherwise you risk the posibility of getting embarased.. hehe...I have added something in this map that has never ever been atempted in any other sniper war map...play and you will see what I meen... haha ---Copyright-Permissions-------------------------------------------- Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Please, do not copy my ideas....I work hard trying to think up cool new stuff...and to have people just copy them really is a shame..if you love my idea so much on what I did then please e-mail me so I can give you permission...I will morea and likly give you permission, its when some one takes my ideas that I had for this map and uses them as there own really loses any respect from me...you can contact me at liquidGamerx@hotmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------