================================================================ Title : Sniper War (Re-Make of the original TF map). Date : March 27, 1999 Filename : sniprwar.bsp Author : Jay "Deride" Lindholm Email Address : jlindholm@blood2.com Home Page : Long gone, you can thank Telefragged that! Description : Remake of Sniper Wars, exact, different textures only.. Additional Credits to : 1. TCA Internet (http://games.tca.net) and all of it's staff, for keeping up the kick ass game servers for so long! 2. All of whom have helped me become what I am in the mapping community, espically Yooshin Yang. 3. Valve software for making this kick-ass game. 4. Anyone that has put up with all my bullshit lately. NO THANKS!! to : 1. Telefragged (specifically Slade) 2. BladeZ for being an immature asshole and spouting ignorant racist comments. 3. Anyone whom has had anything to do with forcing all these kids to goto that thing you call "School" 4. My parents, for forcing me to live in this VERY cold atmosphere. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Deathmatch : No Team Fortress : YES! Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : .map from the Sniper Wars Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 2.0 Known Bugs : None. Build Time : 12 minutes Compile machine : P200 mmx 96 megs of RAM QBSP Time : 30 seconds QVIS Time (full) : 60 seconds QRAD Time (extra) : 3 minutes * Permissions * NO selling this for money! I know you want to whore my map, but I just don't like my maps whored Magazine wants map on CD, sure mail me the magazine in return and I'm fine with that! my addy is 5019 Norwood St. Duluth MN, 55804 General BBS use - Why not? You MAY NOT alter or add to this level without my permission. * Last but not least * E-mail me your thoughts on my level. Whats good, whats bad etc. I love feedback, it keeps me going!