================================================================================= This map was made by {DA}Splat on 9/14/2003. This is the first in hopefully a series of sp (Splat) maps. This is a sniper map, so if you hate snipeing/snipers go away! Now! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The objective of this map is to have fun and snipe people! It is not made to handle more than 6 people. If you experience problems with this map you can e-mail me at Sjazzn2000aol.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright / Permissions Do what you like with this map! I don't care how you distribute it, or what you do with it. I do however request that you give me credit for making this map, as I put a fair bit of effort into making it. If you want a .rmf copy of this map you can e-mail me for it, but I reserve the right to refuse to send it to you. (I'm a busy man with all this map making ;P) =================================================================================