SUICIDALS ======================================================= Meet your fate in 12 different flavors 1) Jump off a cliff 2) Make like Houdini 3) Jump into the toxic wastes 4) Stick yourseld to the cieling 5) Go into a 0 oxygen area in outer space 6) Allow East to meet West 7) Play with Respawn Turrets 8) Walk across a minefield 9) Live in with the Laser show 10) See yourself in Hell 11) Lock yourself into the refridgerator. 12) Allow the Xenite trees to tear you limb from limb Or...for the sniping kind... Snipe the opponents in the Mini-Sniper Battle Arena Scoring for the Suicidals: Its a reverse Death Match...The Player with the most deaths at the end of a round wins the match Scoring for the Snipers: The Player with the most kills at the end of a round wins the match ======================================================== This map was made for fun which is why it sucks! ===============================besides...Im a newbie mapper ======================================================== Have Fun All You Suicidal People Out There! ======================================================== Map Made By Gladiator (Foster/Brandon Hoskins) ======================================================== ======================================================== All love goes out to Kristine :-D I love you!