Tayconc3 by Alexander Taylor, aka Tayl0r Textures by MacMan and Randy Reddig This is map 3 of the series TayConc. However, it is not essential that you have played the others But if you are finding this one hard, there is a nice difficulty curve throughout the series; good conc’ers can do TayConc with their eyes closed and TayConc 2 without too much foul language. Anyway, this one is set in a city, not any particular city though, and it sure isn’t very city like in layout. But then, if it were we would just walk around and there would be no concussion grenades needed whatsoever. So the mysterious forces that be decided to make random holes and walls for you to hop through like a good scout/medic. The jumps start of "medium" and progress into "moderately hard." Again this map isn’t so hard that nobody -except the 1-2 elitist bastards- gets past the first jump. That said it is not exactly easy; if you think you’re clever because you can jump up the lift in 2fort, it will be a bit hard. *** Important *** Jump 4 requires you to shoot a button in mid-flight, the button is quite large so the dizzyness shouldn't make it insanely difficult, however there is problem which you may encounter. If you shoot the button and see the decals appear, it doesn't mean you actually hit it, because of the speed, the concussion, your connection internet weather etc, the server may not reply to the shot as quickly as you fired it off, resulting in the door not moving until you are long gone. So, if you're on a 56k or something this could be a problem. So, instead of shooting the buttons while in the air, you can LAND on them, then shoot them. Or, you can change your cl_lw and cl_lc settings to 0, this way no shoots will appear until the server confirms they happened, however set it to 1 again after, as turning off your prediction is not recommended at all. Notes: * You can be any team, they are all allied so you can't hurt each other (unless friendly fire is on, for some twisted reason). This also has the added bonus of making the scoreboard look pretty. * Each jump has a short description telling you what do to. * You can only die on the first jump. * Objects such as gratings and glass break when you thrust your face into them, not when you shoot them (looks cooler that way). * Yes, the usual football secret is here. CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINAL VERSION: * Jump 1, 3, 6: It's now impossible to get stuck in the rubble if you fail the jump. * Jump 1: Now has more spawn points. * Jump 3: The Fence at the end has been removed. * Jump 3: The balcony has been extended. * Jump 3: Added a bag in the window making it less fustrating. * Jump 4: The teleport destination is much closer to the jump itself. * Jump 4: The grenade bag is much closer to the jump itself. * Jump 8: The launching blocks are now aligned. * Jump 8: The launching blocks have a clip over them. * JUmp ?: The secret is easier to open now so there is no spam while people are trying to do the jump. * It's now impossible to make decals on the jump signs. * The footballs are now "dropable" (they will instantly return). www.tayl0r.net (it's a zero)