================================================================ Title : Test of War v2 Final Date : May 2, 1999 Filename : testofwar.bsp Author : -=Dr. Evil=- Email Address : drevil@valveworld.com Home Page : http://outsiders.valveworld.com Description : The Test of War Series. Series of maps created for you. The Object is to kill your enemy in any way possible. Take the flag or make a frag! Additional Credits to : 1. Valve for their great Work on TFC 2. Dyermaker of TF1 for her encouragment of Mapping. 3. Valve software for making Half-Life 4. Worldcraft for making the best map program! ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Deathmatch : It's Possible... Team Fortress : Hmm, what do you think? * Construction * Based On : My Own Idea Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 2.1 Known Bugs : None Yet Build Time : 6-7 Minutes Compile machine : AMD K6-2 350mhz /w 128MB Ram QBSP Time : 50 Seconds QVIS Time (full) : 150 Seconds QRAD Time (extra) : 200 Seconds -Time is Estimated- * Permissions * Do Not Sell this map or Edit it in any way and go off saying it's yours because it aint! It's MINE ALL MINE! Heh... =-) You get the picture.... * Last but not least * E-mail me your thoughts on my level. Whats good, whats bad etc. I love feedback, it keeps me going!