4 Teams, No flags, just KILL KILL KILL!!!!!! ------General Information-------------------------------------------- Title :Turkeyburgers Filename :Turkeyburgers.bsp Original Author of Sin level 'sprydemo' :Levelord Poor conversion to Half-Life :Steve Martin ------------- Also:Thanks to Revolver for his excellent pc computer prefab Contact :Turkeyburgers@Hotmail.com Date :16/8/99 ----Background Info--------------------------------------------------- Having played the sin demo last year, i was really impressed with one of the multi-player maps 'spyrdemo' , I knew sin used the quake 2 engine, so after a little messing with winbspc, I managed to get a textureless version of the map into worldcraft - As I had only completed one v.shit map before, I thought it would be a good way to improve my worldcraft skills, by coverting this map for half-life. At one stage I added a big outdoor bit, with a huge bmx,doghouse and pile of 'steaming' dog poo, but the gameplay didn't flow so I took it out. --Best bit----------------------------------------------------------- *The glass on the table seems to dynamically reflect the light as you walk around it. It's really just 2 cylinders inside each other, one white and one glass * I managed to use only standard half-life textures, so no messing around with extra wad files for you lucky people. -----Worst bit--------------------------------------------------- *R-speeds are too high, not sure how they got around it in the original sin map though. ---Recommended Specs--------------------------------------------- Due to the high r_speeds i would suggest a min of Pentium 2 300 with a voodoo 2, cause thats what i've got and it works fine for me!!! Deathmatch :yes Single Player :no Map Description :Medium Size How Many Players:3-8 players ------Map Instructions----------------------------------------------- Unzip the files in this archive. Place the map, "Turkeyburgers.bsp" in your half-life/valve/maps directory. ------Copyright-Permissions------------------------------------------ This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S -------------------------------------- If any Mod makers are listening, i would be v.interested in helping with any leveldesign or map making.