WAR NATIONS / WAR OF NATIONS WAR NATIONS (VERSION 1) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1. VERSION This is the first version of War Nations. 2. USE You can modify the map and use the wad of it "nations.wad". 3. GAMEPLAY There are 3 teams known as nations here: Bluis, Redis, Yellowis. Each nation has their towns. The nations fight each other for 2 settlements that are neutral in the gravel land. However there is no objective in this map except to either roleplay or deathmatch. 4. BUGS The map may still have bugs since it's in it's first version. 5. PROBLEMS If you can't load the map because "nations.wad" can't be found then download it from a website that has this wad. 6. IN CONCLUSION Thanks and have fun. MAP CREATED: 1st May 2016 MAP UPDATED: 5th May 2016 CREATED BY: ShouldBeNew OTHER MAPS CREATED BY SHOULDBENEW: fattywar (bad) fattywar2 fattywar2_absolutewar fattywar2_oldtimes (not released)