=========== INSTALATION =========== Extract well3.bsp and well3.txt to your TFC maps folder (C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\tfc\maps) =============== MAP INFORMATION =============== Title: The Well, Part 3 BSP File: well3.bsp Release Date: 25th August 2001 Version Number: 1 (Beta 3) Author: [WoF]Vitani Email Address: vitani@zoom.co.uk Web Site: http://freespace.morat.net/tfxsoft Extra Textures: Personal Logos from myself and friends (embeded into the bsp) Extra Models: None Extra Sky: None Extra Sounds: None ============ CONSTRUCTION ============ Base: Based on the Half-Life version of The Well Editor Used: Worldcraft 3.3, with Zoners HL Compile Tools (2.5.2) Build Time: Just over a week on the Computer, with added time in the deisgn stage (on paper) Compile Time: csg: 1m 28s + bsp: 37s + vis: 17m 9s + rad: 42m 7s = 1hr 1m 21s Known Bugs: 1 Leaf portals saw into leaf (doesn't seem to effect the map in anyway though, so I figuered I could live with this error) ========= THANKS TO ========= [WoF] for a playtest Server and support [TP]V1ru5 for nagging about getting on with and releasing this map :o) All the playtesters, too many to name them all, but I think you for your support and input ======================= Copyright / Permissions ======================= Copyright © 2001 Jonathan Brunson All rights reserved. This level (well3.bsp) may be electronically distributed only at no charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way. This text file and additional text file (well3.txt) must be included with the level. This level may not be included in any commercial compilations without the express permission of the author (ie me).