Xpress your imagination 2004 CTF style map for Half-Life Team Fortress Classic By kaMIKazE. 24th July 2004 ================================================================ ** General information** ================================================================ Title : Xpress your imagination 2004 Filename : xpress2k4.bsp Author : Original by Joel 'Bladez' Warren | Updated port by kaMIKazE Email : kamikaze@clantnt.org Web Site : http://www.clantnt.org Description : Team Fortress Classic CTF map Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players: 4-8 ================================================================ ** Map information ** ================================================================ New Textures : Yes, 3 from some quake texture pack. New Sounds : none New Sky : Yes, Tools used : Worldcraft 3.4 Beta : Wally 1.55B : Zoner's Half-Life Tools v2.53 Build time : Few months on and off Compile Machine : AMD Athlon XP 2000+, 512MB DDR333 RAM Compile time : About 5 mins ================================================================ ** Installation ** ================================================================ Steam: Extract all the files from the rar into your "\Steam\SteamApps\[username or email]\team fortress classic" directory, keeping the directory structure. WON: Extract all the files from the rar into your "Half-Life" directory, keeping the directory structure. ================================================================ ** Team information ** ================================================================ Blue team - No class limitations Red team - No class limitations ================================================================ ** Game Rules ** ================================================================ Objective: Go to the enemy base, get their flag, get the hell out of there and back to the top of your fort. Place it on the raised square that says "capture point" to capture it. Scoring: 10 points per Capture. Other Notes: Flag carriers drop the Flag when they die. Dropped flags return to their Base after 15 seconds. ================================================================ ** Additional information ** ================================================================ "This is a small and simple ctf map for all those who love to fly." - Bladez Ramp sliders' dream. ================================================================ ** Special thanks to ** ================================================================ Joel 'Bladez' Warren for the making such a fun and iconic map. Mighty Pete for the skybox. Check out his work @ www.planethalflife.com/wadfather/ Everyone at www.ozfortress.com (valk, meist and vish for the 3am sessions) who helped me with the development of this map, your feedback and ideas were a big help. Valve for TFC itself (now bring on TFC: Source) :) ================================================================ COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Original Xpress3 design (c)copyright 1999 by Joel 'Bladez' Warren. blah blah blah don't rip off this update of a conversion of a QWTF map. :P This BSP may be distributed anyway possible (like pidgeon or space shuttle). You can put this BSP on any CD or distribute it but tell me first. ================================================================