// Titles for The Specialists. // %i or %d are integers, %f is a floating-point and %s is a string. They // can't be rearranged, they must be specified in the original order. Spec_Mode1 { Locked Chase-Camera } Spec_Mode2 { Free Chase-Camera } Spec_Mode3 { Free-Look } Spec_Mode4 { First Person } Spec_Mode5 { First Person } Spec_Mode6 { Chase Map Overview } Spec_NoTarget { No valid targets. Cannot switch to Chase-Camera Mode. } Spec_Help_Title { Spectator Mode } Spec_Help_Text { Use the following keys to change view styles: FIRE1 - Chase next player FIRE2 - Chase previous player JUMP - Change view modes USE - Change inset window mode DUCK - Enable spectator menu In Overview Map Mode move around with: MOVELEFT - move left MOVERIGHT - move right FORWARD - zoom in BACK - zoom out MOUSE - rotate around map/target } Spec_Slow_Motion { Slow Motion } Spec_Replay { Instant Replay } Spec_Auto { Auto } // Multiplayer Scoreboard Spec_Map { Map } Spectators { Spectators } Unassigned { Unassigned } TEAMS { TEAMS } PLAYERS { PLAYERS } CLASS { CLASS } SCORE { SCORE } DEATHS { DEATHS } LATENCY { PING } VOICE { VOICE } // other menu text Menu_OK { OK } Menu_Cancel { CANCEL } Mic_Volume { Mic Volume } Speaker_Volume { Speaker Volume } Voice_Properties { Voice Properties } Map_Description_not_available { Map Description not available. } Player { player } Player_plural { players } Muted { You have muted %s. } Unmuted { You have unmuted %s. } No_longer_hear_that_player { You will no longer hear that player speak. } OBS_NONE { Camera Options } OBS_CHASE_LOCKED { Locked Chase-Cam } OBS_CHASE_FREE { Free Chase-Cam } OBS_ROAMING { Roaming } OBS_IN_EYE { First Person } OBS_MAP_FREE { Free Overview } OBS_MAP_CHASE { Chase-Cam Overview } SPECT_OPTIONS { Options } CAM_OPTIONS { Camera Options } Spec_Duck { Press DUCK for Spectator Menu } //TS ones Spec_Help_TSTitle { } Spec_Help_TSText { } Spec_TSHelp1 { JUMP - Change Camera modes, FORWARD - Next Player, BACK - Prev Player } Spec_TSHelp2 { JUMP - Change Camera modes, FORWARD - Next Player, BACK - Prev Player, MOUSE - rotate around target } Spec_TSHelp3 { JUMP - Change Camera modes, MOVEMENT KEYS - move around, MOUSE - rotate view } Spec_TSHelp5 { JUMP - Change Camera modes, FORWARD - Next Player, BACK - Prev Player } Buy_Total_CashBased { Cash Left : %i (Total: %i) } Buy_Total { (Total: %i) } Buy_FreeSlots { Free Slots : %i } Buy_Credits { %i Credits } Buy_Slots { %i Slots } Buy_Sil { Sil } Buy_Las { Las } Buy_Fla { Fla } Buy_Sco { Sco } Buy_SaveEquipment { Save Equipment } Buy_LoadEquipment { Load Equipment } Buy_SlotEmpty { Slot #%i (Empty) } Buy_SlotAvailable { Slot #%i (Available) } Buy_GoBack { Go Back } Buy_EmptyConfig { Empty Config } Buy_UseLastConfig { Use Last Config } Buy_UseNewConfig { Use New Config } Buy_Buy { Buy } Buy_RemoveItem { Remove Item } Buy_ResetConfig { Reset Config } Buy_SaveConfig { Save Config } Buy_LoadConfig { Load Config } Buy_Random { Random } Buy_Cancel { Cancel } Buy_Handguns { Handguns } Buy_SMGs { SMGs } Buy_Rifles { Rifles } Buy_Shotguns { Shotguns } Buy_SpecialPurpose { Special Purpose } Buy_PlayerAccessory { Player Accessory } Buy_Akimbo { Buy Akimbo } Buy_FullLoad { Full Load } Buy_ConfigReset { Config Reset } Buy_SavedConfig { Saved Config on slot #%i } Buy_ConfigLoaded { Config #%i Loaded } Buy_Removed { %s Removed } Buy_ConfigEmpty { Your config is empty! } Buy_NoCash { No cash left! } Buy_UsingNewConfig { Using new config. } Buy_UsingLastConfig { Using last config. } Chg_ChangeTeam { Change Team: } Chg_Join { Join } Chg_Cancel { Cancel } Pwr_SlowMotion { Slow Motion } Pwr_InfiniteAmmo { Infinite Ammo } Pwr_SlowPause { Slow Pause } Pwr_DoubleFireRate { Double Fire Rate } HUD_FreeSlots { free slots } HUD_Credits { Credits } HUD_Silencer { Silencer } HUD_Lasersight { Lasersight } HUD_Flashlight { Flashlight } HUD_Scope { Scope } HUD_FullAuto { Full Auto } HUD_SemiAuto { Semi Auto } HUD_Burst { Burst } HUD_PumpAction { Pump Action } HUD_FreeFull { Free Full } HUD_FreeSemi { Free Semi } TS_DefeatTeam { Defeat the opposite team } TS_RestartingRound { Restarting Round } TS_WaitingForPlayers { Waiting for other players. } TS_TeamScore { %s Score! } TS_TeamWin { %s Win! } TS_GameDraw { Game Draw } TS_CheatsOn { This server has cheats enabled. } TS_CustomDamage { This server has custom weapon damages (%.2f) } TS_LMS { %s is the Last Man Standing! %i frags } TS_RoundOver { Round over } TS_PressFire { Press Fire To Play! } TS_CustomWeapons { This server is using custom weapons. } TS_TeamCannotBuy { Your team cannot buy this weapon. } TS_NotEnoughMoney { You don't have enough money for that weapon. } TS_TheOne { %s is The One! } TS_TheOneIsDead { The One is dead. } TS_TheOneKilledBy { The One was killed by %s! } // # frags for person, style! TS_Frg { frags } TS_FrgFr { for } TS_ConsKills { kills in a row! } TS_StStl { Stuntman style! } TS_SlStl { Sliding style! } TS_Stl { style! } TS_KungFu { Kung-Fu } TS_SpecialistSuicide { kills himself after so many frags! } TS_Doublefrag { Double Frag } TS_Coldcock { Stock Kill } TS_Headshot { Headshot } TS_KnifeKill { Knife kill } TS_KatanaKill { Katana kill } TS_KilledTheSpecialist { who has killed a Specialist! } TS_Stops { stops } TS_Fury { fury! } TS_Unstoppable { No one can stop } TS_Specialist { is a Specialist! } TS_SixKills { PWNAGE, 6 kills in a row! } TS_ThreeKills { is Furious, 3 kills in a row! } TS_Killed { killed } TS_OwnWeapon { with his own weapon! } //killing spree TS_KillSpree1 { is Hard Boiled! } TS_KillSpree2 { is a Hard Target! } TS_KillSpree3 { is a Lethal Weapon! } TS_KillSpree4 { feels the Heat! } TS_KillSpree5 { is going Commando! } TS_KillSpree6 { is going Rambo! } TS_KillSpree7 { is going Desperado! } TS_KillSpree8 { kills for a Better Tomorrow! } TS_KillSpree9 { is a Killer! } TS_KillSpree10 { Demolishes! } TS_KillSpree11 { had a Total Recall! } TS_KillSpree12 { has a machine gun. Ho ho ho! } TS_KillSpree13 { eats green berets for breakfast! } TS_KillSpree14 { ain't got time to bleed! } TS_KillSpree15 { woke up, why don't you! } TS_KillSpree16 { is taking names! } //killing spree has been killed tags TS_SpreeKilled1 { will be back! } TS_SpreeKilled2 { dies hard! } TS_SpreeKilled3 { lets some steam off! } TS_SpreeKilled4 { has been terminated! } TS_SpreeKilled5 { has been erased! } TS_SpreeKilled6 { should stick around! } TS_SpreeKilled7 { got his face off! } TS_SpreeKilled8 { got a raw deal! } TS_SpreeKilled9 { was an expendable asset! } TS_SpreeKilled10 { is going direct to video! }