MAP INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Killin´ Tower Player: 2-4 Description: This is a Tower with 3 floors. On the highest are only ammo- and healthpaks, on the middle floor are some wea- pons and healt- or rather suitpaks and on the downest floor are the realy big weapons like RPG, Nukewps and so on . . .! Under the downest floor is a pool of Lava- slime, too. Author: Nailz E-Mail: HAWUERZBACH@OKAY.NET or HAWUE2406@WTAL.DE Special Info: I´ve had built this map in about 2 hours. This map is Deathmatch only. The map doesn´t have any realy exciting part, but it is only for a fast small local server with not so many players. Good fighting!