========================================================== date: Monday, July 30, 2001 ========================================================== title: Base to Snipe For file: op4_base2snipe4.bsp author: v3nom a.k.a. T|2IPL3_6 email address: brknrun84@hotmail.com clan page: http://dkaclan.homestead.com description: opposing force deathmatch 4-12 players Two bases separated by rocks and cliffs. ========================================================== play information: single player no cooperative: no skills 0,1,2,3: no deathmatch: yes 4-12 players new sounds: no custom textures: no custom sky: yes (iceflow sky by Sock) ========================================================== construction: tools: WorldCraft 3.3 by Valve, Zoner's Compiling Tools by Sean Cavanaugh, and Batch compiler 1.1.3 by RYAN "NEMESIS" GREGG known bugs: None that i could find. build time: 3 days. ========================================================== Instalation instructions: Just unzip file into your half-life\Gearbox folder and all files will be put in their correct location. .bsp, .txt, .res file go in gearbox\maps folder all sky bmp files go in gearbox\gfx\env folder ========================================================== Thanks to all of the people who helped me test it...I hope you all enjoy. :)