op4_taufactory This is where the make the most diverse and deadly gun in halflife. The gauss gun or tau cannon. To find out more about op4_taufactory visit www.geocities.com/santagauss I will put up some stuff on my map at some point. santagauss@yourmom.com NOTES You spawn with a desert eagle, grappler, and jumpack. For something different to do, play capture the chair, all you do is get the chair from the office and try to keep it from everyone else. Open the desk drawers in the office. Jump into the big green cylindars and go to the center to teleports. If you like sniping check out the vents at the top of the warehouse, teleport rooms, and maze. If you like close combat the maze is the place to be. If you like tau bitching hit the warehouse. The gluon gun is at the start of the conveyer. Look on top of every box. At least one of every weapon is in this map so if you cant find it keep looking.