------------------------------------------------- Name: Outpost Author: Dean 'Bishop' Harding deanh@zip.com.au Thanks: Craig 'D3aTH' Leyshan for playtesting Andrew 'Jedi1138' Hope for playtesting, and for the name as well Valve for such a cool game :) ------------------------------------------------- Base: Made from scratch Compile Time: about 1 hour 20 minutes Compile Machine: P2 266, 64MB Multiplayer: yes Single player: to look around New textures: no New sounds: no ------------------------------------------------- Outpost is my first attempt at a map for Half-Life, I did make a map for Team Fortress a while back, but this one is much better :) Outpost has a lot of open area for rocket fights, and snipering, but there is also some cool places to hide tripwires as well. I had originally wanted to make the open area even bigger, but because I'm running on a Voodoo 1, I didn't want it to run as slow as some of the other open-area maps (Bounce, for example) This is the reason for the resonably low detail rocks, etc. ------------------------------------------------- You cannot copy this map unless it is in the original archive. This map cannot be included on a CD compilation without express written permission of the Author.