.:: Map Information ::. Nexus Half-Life Deathmatch ricodm06_nexus.bsp Recommended Players: 6-12 .:: Author Information ::. Author: Jahzel E-Mail: the_rahzel@yahoo.co.uk URL: www.freewebs.com/jahzel/index .:: Map Description ::. The map is based on an original concept I once designed on paper. It consists of a large, open arena area surrounded by ledges. The design is actually symmetrical, and each of the passages mirror each other. Their are four large rooms at the four sides of the arena, each with it's own specific weapon. It is pretty large, and I am suprised I could get this to you, enjoy ;) .:: Thanks to: ::. Valve Software Mephs, and all those down at TWHL .:: Instructions ::. Unzip the contents of the .zip file into your Half-Life directory. All files will be automatically placed from there. .:: Other Stuff ::. Nexus (c) 2004 Jahzel