================================================================ Title : Trapped in Tomb Date : March 2, 2002 Filename : tit Author : X-15 Agent Email Address : X15agent@yahoo.com Home Page : http://www.geocities.com/x15agent/index.html?1006019287100 Mail Address : Description : Half-Life Deathmatch level Additional Credits to : Valve/Sierra Phillatio JUIM Everyone I play with (those who don't cry like babies, actually :) ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : no, don't even try it- your machine will freeze Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty Settings : No ================================================================ Put the .bsp file into the following directory: ... \Half-Life\valve\maps Extract the grnflare4.spr in your \Half-Life\valve\sprites folder Place the windy.wav in the Half-Life\valve\sound\ambience folder I don't know who to credit for the grnflare4.spr, and the windy.wav, I liked 'em and used 'em. I hope you don't get mad. Let me know who you are, and I'll let everyone know that you are the author if it's cool with you, or I can take 'em out, and recompile. Thanks ;) Run your hl.exe with "-toconsole +deathmatch 1" and type in "map tit_beta4" to the console. ================================================================ * Story * Of a lovely lady, who was bringing u- oh sorry ;P A crazy old bastard is about to die. So he hears about this Xen world. He hires a bunch of workers to build him this tomb in the Xen universe. The only thing is, they don’t know that he plans to do the exact thing as the ancient Egyptian Kings did. He sealed you up so no one will ever find out where his stash, and his body are! Yes. You just found out your really a construction worker :) Have fun! * Construction * Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 3.3 Known Bugs : none Build Time : 31 years Compile machine : PentiumIII/933 , 256 meg SD-RAM, GEForce 4 MX ================================================================ * Permissions * You are NOT allowed to sell this level with commercial profit in mind, without paying me huge ammounts of money first. If you want to include this map in a non-commercial map-pack or so, you are allowed to. (You have to include this text-file) Feel free to swap it amongst your net friends. If you want to burn it onto a CD, as long as it follows the stuff above, go for it! You MAY NOT alter or add to this level without my permission.