-----WHATTHEHELL----- Map Name: whatthehell File Name: whatthehell.bsp Author: Owen "Vapor" Author Email: vapor@bottech.net Web Site: Not At The Moment Prev. maps: Submersive.bsp and Psycore.bsp -----Play Info.----- Size: Medium Players: 4-16 (LAN is recommended) Type: DeathMatch Play-test time: 30 minutes Play-test info: 4 players on my server "Vapor Industries" -----Information----- Description: An outpost in a canyon-like area during the evening. Build Program: Valve Hammer Editor 3.4 Compile Program: Valve Hammer Editor 3.4 Build time: 1 1/2 weeks Compile time: 8 Minutes Date/Time: 12/28/2002, 11:30pm -----Misc.----- Base: None. New textures: None News sounds: 1 new sound "sickgir.wav" Instructions: Put whatthehell.bsp in your half-life/valve/maps directory. Put wth folder in your half-life/valve/sound directory. -----F.Y.I.----- Alrighty then, this is my third publicly released map, so give me all the feedback you can. I have spent a lot of time fixing/adding/redesigning this map to make it as fun as i could get it. Once again, PLEASE send me feedback. :) -----Original whatthehell.zip contents----- whatthehell.bsp whatthehell.txt wth/sickgir.wav -----Credits----- Special Thanks to: Valve - for making the best game ever created. DocRock who is the god of mapping and inspires me to the fullest extent. You - for choosing this map and reading this far. Planet Half-Life - for making the best site on the best game. -----Copyright Stuff----- You may use whatthehell.bsp as a base for a level, as long as you give me credit and send me a copy. You may not sell, rent, or use this map to make profits in any way, shape or form. You may ONLY distribute it in its original .zip format. You may use Alpha Outpost in a mod, as long as you first email me and also give me credit for it. If you have any questions, comments, or complaints e-mail me at vapor@bottech.net